dirNotFound=WARNING: UNKNOWN PATH (No Flash plugin installed?) - Press 'Search Directory' or select the flash cookie folder manually!
selectDirTitle=Select the Flash-Data Directory.
protect=Prevent automatic LSO deletion
unprotect=Allow automatic LSO deletion
protectDir=Prevent automatic LSO deletion
unprotectDir=Allow automatic LSO deletion
unprotected=Not protected
protectedLSOFolder=Protected LSO+Folder
protectedLSO=Protected LSO
protectedFolder=Protected Folder
protectedSubFolder=Protected Sub-Folder
askfordeletion1=Better Privacy
askfordeletion2=Better Privacy is about to remove
askfordeletion3= LSO cookies. \r\nNOTE: LSO's might contain data that you consider as important.\r\nYou can exclude LSO's from deletion at the next Firefox session.\r\n\r\nTo keep the LSO's this time press Cancel / press OK to allow deletion.
askfordeletion4=Don't ask again, on exit always delete LSO cookies automatically
askfornewpath=No flash cookie folder could be found. \r\nPress Ok if you like to configure a valid path manually.
askfornewpath2=Don't ask again, I will fix it later
scanwarning=This scan maybe needs several minutes!\r\n\r\nPress Ok to continue
asktodeleteall=Also delete protected cookies?
alwaysRescan=On some computers this can slow down the Firefox start!\r\nMake sure that this option is really needed. \r\n(e.g. if you run your shared Firefox profile from different accounts\r\nor if for any reason the path always changes)\r\n\r\nStill activate this function?
constantparsingwarning=Constantly parsing LSO files needs much CPU power!\r\nDo not use this feature while there are many LSO's on disk.\r\n\r\nStill enable notification?